
Discover our extensive collection of Mandolins! You can find both new mandolins and used or vintage models in our range. We also offer plenty of options for those looking for specific features, such as an extra narrow or extra wide neck!

€ 660.33 660.33 EUR

In stock

€ 2,230.58 2230.58 EUR

In stock

€ 2,230.58 2230.58 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,156.20 1156.2 EUR

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€ 939.00 € 619.01 619.01 EUR

In stock

€ 1,249.00 € 825.62 825.62 EUR

In stock

€ 5,123.14 5123.14 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 6,528.10 6528.1 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 387.60 387.6 EUR

In stock

€ 387.60 387.6 EUR

In stock

€ 1,321.49 1321.49 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 2,032.23 2032.23 EUR

In stock

€ 5,536.36 5536.36 EUR

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€ 3,635.54 3635.54 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,271.90 1271.9 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 2,643.80 2643.8 EUR

In stock

€ 2,561.16 2561.16 EUR

In stock

€ 1,156.20 1156.2 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,156.20 1156.2 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 2,230.58 2230.58 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,982.64 1982.64 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,073.55 1073.55 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,709.92 1709.92 EUR

In stock

€ 825.62 825.62 EUR

In stock

€ 974.38 974.38 EUR

In stock

€ 1,709.92 1709.92 EUR

In stock

€ 1,032.23 1032.23 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,199.00 € 792.56 792.5600000000001 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 577.69 577.69 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,652.07 1652.07 EUR

In stock

€ 908.26 908.26 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 1,296.69 1296.69 EUR

In stock

€ 610.74 610.74 EUR

In stock

€ 3,883.47 3883.4700000000003 EUR

Out of Stock

€ 825.62 825.62 EUR

In stock


The mandolin is one of the most popular instruments in the folk, bluegrass, and country music world. This small stringed instrument is tuned like a violin; G - D - A - E. However, all strings are doubled, bringing the total to eight strings. Are you considering purchasing a mandolin but don't know where to start? Then, take a moment to watch the video next to this text! Let yourself be convinced by the impressive selection at The Fellowship of Acoustics!


History and Origin of the Mandolin

The mandolin is considered a distant descendant of the lute. The instrument as we know it today emerged around the seventeenth century in Italy, evolving from the sixteenth-century mandora or gallichon. The shape and proportions of the instrument were heavily influenced by the maker, Pasquale Vinaccia of Naples (1806–1882).

During the first major wave of immigration from the East and South of Europe, the mandolin found its way into mainstream American pop culture, which was dominated by everything foreign and exotic during this period of prosperity. The mandolin became particularly popular in the 1850s and 1860s. The instrument, along with zithers, ukuleles, and other novelties, provided entertainment for the middle class, which had more leisure time. Around 1880, when many Italian immigrants arrived in the US, there was a phenomenal growth in mandolin sales.

The mandolin still enjoys popularity in modern times. After the heydays of the Nashville sound in the 1960s and 1970s, the mandolin made a significant comeback in country music. In rock music, the mandolin has been a consistent presence since the 1960s, with acoustic songs by rock artists like Led Zeppelin and Rod Stewart making the mandolin a familiar sound for rock enthusiasts. There has even been a resurgence of interest in classical mandolin music. And of course, the mandolin, like the banjo, remains an integral part of vibrant  folk and bluegrass.


Our Mandolin Selection

TFOA offers a wide range of mandolins from various leading brands, including Bert Kwakkel, Antoine DiMauro, Eastman, Gelas, Giacomel, Gibson and Kentucky. We carry new mandolins as well as second-hand and vintage ones. There is also plenty of choice for those looking for specific options; think, for instance, of an extra narrow or extra wide neck.

Buying a Mandolin

The Fellowship of Acoustics is here to help you choose your ideal mandolin. Do you have questions or need personalized advice? Feel free to contact us or visit our beautiful store in Dedemsvaart!