Meet The Fellows

“For every guitarist a dream guitar”
Fellows Rudi and Coen may be the better known faces of The Fellowship that you often see in stores and online, but behind the scenes Fellow Laura is the 'woman in charge'.
While she sips from a cup of green tea, she is the one who conducts the job interviews with the Fellows who come to work in Dedemsvaart. While Muse chatters into her headphones, she also keeps an eye on the balance and if there is any hassle with customs or a courier, Fellow Laura knows how to solve it quickly. She's the girl that gets things done!
Fun fact: she once built her own guitar and that is precisely why she appreciates the craftsmanship of European builders such as Lowden better than anyone: chillingly precise in the details, a bit mysterious and therefore very convincing.

“Life’s too short to play a shitty guitar”
You have end bosses and you have beginning bosses. Fellow Rudi is such a beginning boss, as 20 years ago he imported four vintage Martin guitars and resold them in no time as well.
Two decades and many meetings with many nice people later, The Fellowship of Acoustics is now one of the largest guitar shops in the EU. The place to be if you want to see, hear and play the most beautiful guitars with other passionate guitar enthusiasts. New, second hand, vintage and boutique, it's all there!
That low threshold for high-end guitars appears to be a success formula, because the beautiful villa in Dedemsvaart, which at first seemed much too big for a guitar shop, is now becoming a bit cramped. So a lot has happened in recent years, but one thing has not changed: The Fellowship remains a warm family business, because son Coen and daughter Laura of this very proud Gitaar-Daddy are now also in the business.

Where Fellow Rudi is stepping back, Fellow Coen is stepping forward. And that not only puts him in the spotlight of those cool New Arrivals videos, he is also your proud host in the shop! How could it be otherwise, as his guitar training started about the time he went from kindergarten to primary school, and so he has been growing with the business for years.
From deals at the kitchen table to that wonderfully echoing GitaarVilla of more than 2,400 square metres, Coen not only experienced it, he also helped decide. Because while thinker Rudi was still in doubt about moving to Dedemsvaart, go-getter Coen knew for sure eight years ago: we just have to do it.
As a result, The Fellowship is now the meeting place for every musician and Fellow Coen would love to see you drop by for loads of great guitars, a nice chat and a good cup of coffee!

Tom is the Fellow with a wealth of experience in his pocket, as he had quite a career before he went after his dream. He once studied at the Conservatory and then earned his money as a work planner, among other things. Until that one job came along in that Guitar Villa where he sometimes did his shopping. Now or never, Tom thought and left Dordrecht for Dedemsvaart.
There he made a flying start, as he immediately sold a Gibson Custom Shop Flying V on his first working day! Since then, Tom has been playing about 20 guitars every week and, in between, sits in his favourite spot: the sun-drenched terrace in front of the door. He enjoys helping you find that ONE Guitar. Whether you are a beginner looking for a nice board to start on or an advanced player looking to seriously invest in something special for once, Fellow Tom is your man.
Special Tip from Tom: if you are at The Fellowship the choice is enourmous and that can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Then take a walk around the neighbouring park, or, like Tom, sit on that lovely terrace outside the door. Take that moment for yourself and then you'll know what to do.

If Fellow Roman worked at a butcher shop, he would probably ask customers if it could also be an ounce more. Or two, because Roman likes heavy. Think of Silverchair, Opeth, Alter Bridge and Tool.
On his Insta, he throws a shred party over that with the greatest of ease, so it makes sense that our richly stocked Paul Reed Smith-corner is his favourite place in the shop. The roots for all that modern metal Fellow Roman found in the blues via Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix after all.
So you might expect his dream guitar to be some super Strat or 7-string, but no! He dreams of a vintage Martin 00018, which makes Fellow Roman a perfect all-round guitar guide.

“Play often!”
Fellow Daniël is the proud owner of a rather sexy 1988 Fender Strat and that Swiss army knife among guitars fits Daniël's versatility perfectly. Because he regularly surprises colleagues when he switches from the cutting Maori Metal of Alien Weaponry to the corny disco of Donny Benét on Spotify.
You can often find him at the cosiest place in The Fellowship: the cash register! But he is just as happy to chat via email or phone.
He can enjoy it every time a customer comes in and asks the question, "Can I just pick up a guitar to try?" The answer: yes, you can with almost all the guitars in the shop!

‘'t Ken beter aargn's op liek'n, dan naargn's op liek'n’
Rowdy may be the Fellow with the coolest name around and he can play the guitar wicked well. Some people have it all and fortunately Rowdy is never afraid to share his knowledge and skills with everyone, so you will regularly see him shining on our Demo Channel. Electric, acoustic: Rowdy can do it all with a clear penchant for straight-up rock, so that's probably why he's listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd again right now. Want to know which guitar a professional would choose? Then ask Rowdy.
Want to know how a professional would make a guitar sound? Then ask Rowdy too and watch, listen and enjoy.
For real enthusiasts, he also has a golden Podcast tip: The GuitarExpress,
Because in that podcast, Leon Sibum dives into the depths of dozens of professional guitarists. So, for instance, you will hear how Angelo de Rijke managed to get that one gig with Guus Meeuwis and the guys from de Staat will tell you which pedal-train they use for that wall of sound. The GuitarExpress reveals just about all the guitar secrets of the country's guitar pros.

“Playing a guitar is a never finished journey”
Many customers ask him the question, "Do you play guitar yourself?" Yes indeed! And not by much! When he was 17, he was already playing with his band The Mustangs at the Strawberry Fields Festival in our backyard. Telecaster around his neck and off he went! He loves guitars ánd Bruce Springsteen and as The Boss says: "Windows are for cheaters, winners use the door". So one fine day, Pepijn walked in through the front door of our Villa, asking: 'Do you have a job for me?'
The Boss was right, because just at that moment we could use some extra hands in the workshop to replace strings. Since then, Fellow Pepijn has stuck around and moved on to sales. Thanks to his talent, rich experience and fresh, broad perspective, he can show you the way to your next guitar like no other.

If Fellow Wessel were a guitar, he would be a Martin D18. Loud, a bit clunky, but full of character ánd versatile. Has been strolling around Uncle Rudi's guitar shop since he was 15, knows a bizarre amount about guitars and has a razor-sharp eye for their beauty.
You may have seen those beautiful photos of acoustic guitars bathed in thick sunlight during the Golden Hour on our Instagram and Facebook. Those photos are often taken by Wessel and are now also used by major guitar brands.
If you're looking for him, he's probably rolling on the floor somewhere in The Vintage Room to get the best picture, because he loves guitars with a bit of history. Isn't he there? Then chances are he's playing a Keb Mo tune in The Vault, because that's where we keep the most special vintage guitars Wessel can't get his hands off.

Fellow Berend is very much into guitar playing. Just take a look at his Insta page because there you will see all kinds of things flying by: jazz on his Gibson ES 150 with the Fryske Big Band, blistering solos on a black Strat, a bossa nova on nylon and steaming funk on a Fristi-Rose case.
Berend just does it all. An imported Frisian, he occasionally rides on ice skates, gives guitar lessons and fortunately he also works in Dedemsvaart and finds it, in a single word, 'great!'. "I once had someone crying with happiness at the cash register here because she had found her dream guitar. Where do you experience that?" When Berend helps you in our shop, he goes to work as a kind of guitar whisperer, because he really wants to know what suits you. After such a session, chances are that you will buy a completely different guitar than you first expected and that you will never, ever part with that guitar afterwards, because it is a perfect match.
After such a day of hard guitar listening and whispering, Berend likes to pause for a moment with the other Fellows and then tell a ribald joke. Because that's Berend as well!

Even if we tried, Fellow Lars cannot be pigeonholed. At high speed, he moves between the various departments in the shop. He provides guitars with fresh strings, helps unpack incoming freight, writes ads, and, perhaps most fun, helps customers in the shop!
What goes with at least as much speed is his virtuoso guitar playing. His talented fingers know very well how to make a guitar sound. You can hardly blink your eyes or Lars has already mastered that difficult lick!
There is a bright future ahead for this Fellow, and we are delighted that he can unleash his passion and energy with us. Lars den Ouden, remember that name!

Righty tighty, lefty loosy!
Fellow Marten is a bit like the Frank Zappa of The Fellowship: he shoots in all directions and does it inimitably well. That is why Fellow Marten has already had quite a career, which started with packing at the shipping departement, then as a designer he made our ads and banners and moved on effortlessly to product photography and descriptions for the website.
Now he has started a new career chapter in our workshop, where he learns the intricacies of the trade from the best luthiers in the EU. From his workbench, Fellow Marten looks forward every day to the moment the sold guitars roll into the workshop for some tender love and care as well as a tune-up before they go out into the wide world.

Practice makes perfect, and if it doesn’t, just learn how to play the banjo
What can't Fellow Adrian do? First of all, he is a very gifted guitar player and, as a bluegrass aficionado, his fingers also know their way around the banjo, mandolin and resonators. With those same golden hands, he blissfully adjusts guitars or repairs and restores them if necessary. A neck reset is really no problem for this pro.
He has now built more than 600 instruments under his own name, and they have already found their way to players such as Mark Knopfler and John Paul Jones. As if that wasn't enough, the affable Brit also has time to explain in a video how best to take care of your guitar.
You can guess the most frequently asked question to this Fellow: 'Adrian, can you give me a hand?' He always does. Top colleague!

Fellow Bennie had been working in construction as a carpenter for over 30 years, but in his evenings he liked to make some time for the finer things: guitar making. Together with his guitar-mate Derk de Vries, he makes DerBen guitars, and there is a lot of beautiful stuff that oozes craftsmanship, such as one with a double neck for six and twelve strings, a seven-string metal guitar or a Telecaster with a Les Paul bridge. For Fellow Bennie it is no problem at all and in between he effortlessly flattens the frets of an acoustic guitar and adjusts the action perfectly.
So when the opportunity presented itself to make his hobby his work in our workshop, he threw his tool belt aside, donned a luthier's apron and now enjoys all the beauty that passes by in our workshop every day.

Fellow Jaap learned the trade at the International Lutherie School in Antwerp and, via 't Speeltuygh in Zwolle, he is now a regular at our workshop and his own in Arnhem.
That rich experience makes Fellow Jaap our guitar surgeon who has given a second life to many guitars that were almost given up in our 'operating room'.
Fortunately not by beating up the tonewood with a defibrillator, but instead by looking with love and precision at what a guitar needs and working on it with angelic patience. Because for Fellow Jaap, there is nothing better than a happy customer after another successful operation.

“Music is in the air, you just have to pick out the notes”
Fellow Erwin has seen The Fellowship grow from a small shop with a few guitars on the wall to a super-store with a top-notch collection over the past 11 years. It's almost impossible to imagine now, but 'The Workshop' was once nothing more than a dusty little kitchen.
Thanks to a lot of confidence and the three words 'get it done', Erwin and an enthusiastic team managed to create one of the best Luthier Workshops in the Benelux. This workshop is a cornerstone of The Fellowship, because all guitars leave the shop only after an setup, in which we take your personal preferences into account.
And you can come to our Workshop for just about any guitar repair you can think of, for just about any guitar brand. Fellow Erwin has come a long way and still shines happily every day, because he gets paid to sniff, play and repair the most beautiful guitars.

‘An instrument is just a means of self-expression’
Fellow Don prefers to drink his coffee with a sausage roll and then continues what he has been doing for decades: making guitars even better than they already are. He studied guitar and violin at the Zwolle conservatory, and then spent two years as an apprentice at violin maker Brandt in Assen.
This classical background also explains his deep love for hollowbody guitars and when he got his hands on one that jazz legend Joe Pass once played on, Fellow Don got very quiet for a moment. And believe us, that doesn't happen often!
When he is not busy in the workshop, he walks into our Classic Room to sniff the air of a freshly polished guitar. Occasionally, he picks up a guitar from the wall there and then effortlessly plays a classical piece, flamenco or gypsy jazz with Jimmy Rosenberg. The Don can just do it all.

“If it has six strings, it must be a guitar.”
Dieuwertje rolled into our shop as a veritable string substitute. An honorable task in a store like ours, where the value of your stock is only as high as the freshness of your string. By now she is a jack of many trades, running around the store clearing guitars, finding cases, bringing coffee and keeping things tidy. In her own words, “What am I not doing?”
Still, we begin to have slight doubts that Dieuwertje has come into our shop for the right reasons... After all, she and Lora are having a little too much fun, her favorite time is the Friday afternoon fries break and there is little that makes her laugh as much as our employee mugs with the bastardized slogan: “Life's too shitty to play a short guitar.” Even to the question, “What doesn't Dieuwertje do?” we have a quick answer ready, namely: Clean the dishes.
All jokes aside, Dieuwertje is not that crazy. After all, there is a great musician behind that naughtiness, and having good taste cannot be taught. After a nice day at work, she plays CCR, Fleetwood Mac or, even better, Queen. Dreaming about her future guitar, that one Japanese Fender Jazzmaster with “Blue Flower” finish and a dark rosewood fingerboard. This is how we help each other along the way, we a good worker, she one step closer to her coveted offset every day!

Wietse is the newest addition to our workshop and has been providing a healthy dose of rethinking and non-conformity for over a year. When asked, “If you were a guitar, what would you be?”, Wietse answered soberly, “I am, as yet, not a guitar.”
Not that this is the reason Wietse is such a nice addition, for he prefers to tinker with guitars all day, and this we are only too happy to let him do! Wietse does not care about traditionalism, and is not afraid to come up with an unconventional solution. For example, within a week of setting up his workbench there was an A/B switch for his amps, made from a couple of switches, some clever soldering and an old cardboard box that contained an LR Baggs pickup.
From his corner of the workshop, cowboy chords alternate with Bach, Satie and a trick box full of heavy rock riffs. If you're unlucky, Wietse is in a good mood and playing the Portuguese “Brutal Black Death Metal” band Analepsy, enjoying his least-so-gritty coffee. Still, 'he has one thing in common with all the other good luthiers in the world: They all watch twoodfrd on YouTube.
Vanuit zijn hoekje in de werkplaats worden cowboy chords afgewisseld met Bach, Satie en een trukendoos vol zware rock riffs. Als je pech hebt is Wietse in een goeie bui en draait hij de Portugese ‘Brutal Black Death Metal’ band Analepsy, genietend van zijn minstens-zo-gitzwarte koffie. Toch heeft ‘ie een overeenkomst met alle andere goede luthiers in de wereld: Ze kijken allemaal naar twoodfrd op YouTube.

Practice until your fingers bleed
As a child, Machiel saw a tennis racket and immediately knew the best way to hold it: like a guitar!
Since then, Fellow Machiel has been in the grip of the instrument, because he played on it, graduated from the conservatory with it and to this day likes to tinker with it a lot. First for himself, but also increasingly for others. Whereas the wood used to have a hold on him, it now holds no secrets for him and he knows how to mould it to his own liking.
So if you ask him if a guitar can be setup a little lower, the answer is always: 'Yes!' We are overjoyed that in addition to working under his own name, he has joined us in the workshop.

“Why is this actually called a guitar sandwich?”
We have done the math and it takes no more than four clicks and some data entry to order a guitar through our webshop.
You will then have the instrument with free adjustment in a few days. This is all possible thanks to the couriers and our logistics department, for which Fellow Kris lays the foundation as a solid bass player. Not one of those who plucks and slaps the ears off your head, but more of the calm, ultra-cool and so straightforward that even the drummer can lean on it.
So fortunately, in addition to his work in Dedemsvaart, Fellow Kris is available as a hired gun and makes solid bass tracks to order. A man like that drinks his coffee black, of course, and when he has a moment, he sits in our bass corner to see if that Sandberg in Lake Placid Blue has been sold yet. If not, he'll take it off the wall again.

“Well, I’m sure I’d feel much worse if I weren’t under such heavy sedation.”
Fellow Maarten invents, writes, photographs, films, interviews, presents, posts, analyzes, and we probably forgot a few more skills, because this creative person does everything to make sure the whole world knows about the beautiful things hanging on the wall at The Fellowship."
"Of course, through the website, newsletters, YouTube, and Facebook, but he is most proud of The Fellowship's Instagram channel. Well worth it, because there he often gives the world sneak peeks at our 'just arrived' guitars.
That is the ultimate backstage spot where Fellows can play brand-new guitars first, and there is a lot of beautiful new and vintage stuff there. Thanks to those sneak peeks on Insta, more and more guitars are sold before they can hit the store floor. So follow our social channels, and you too will be in the front row!

“Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones” - Keith Richards
With a warm cup of tea, Fellow Jurgen starts his day. At the marketing office, he has a truly luxurious position. Most guitars make a stop here for photos and an website description.
Sometimes Jurgen is behind the lens, but most of the time, his fingers rattle over the keyboard when he creates precise descriptions of the hundreds of guitars you can find on our website. Our social media posts, newsletters, and other website content often come from his hand. And if there's any time left, you'll usually hear a Toto or Dire Straits riff coming from his desk.
By now, he has seen it all; from a harp-guitar to old resonators, and from modern boutique builders to the rich history of exclusive vintage guitars. Like that one unforgettable Gibson ES335 from 1959.
“When that guitar arrived, you could really feel the passion throughout the Fellowship. And when Leif de Leeuw started playing it, we were listening with our mouths wide open. Over the years, I've got to experience that passion many times, and it stays special every single time.

“You can never be more than half a note off!”
Fellow Maico is the one and only Head of Video Production & Post Production at TFOA. In 'Fellowshipian' we call this: "That guy who makes the videos".
He links 'making videos' to the creativity of playing music. You always make something different, which gives room for endless creative input and output! And although Maico will always prefer improvising to playing a cover, technical perfection is also very important to him. For example, he was very disappointed when he forgot a simple podcast mixer for the first podcast shoot.
You can hear this valuable mix of character traits very well on the album 'The Perfect Truth' by his band Vault, the biggest challenge of his life, but also the thing he is most proud of. We cannot imagine a more suitable person (who is crazy enough) to write and record a very high-quality prog-rock album in two years.
If you're looking for Maico you can probably find him (with a black cup of coffee) in the 'European Guitar Room', because according to Maico this is “where the magic happens baby”. Don't forget to knock first!

Lora always walks in with a cheerful spirit because what started as an internship is now a real job! That's why she doesn't have to work in a boring supermarket but she gets to roll up her sleeves with everything that needs to be graphically designed.
You'll come across her work on our website, in the store, and in our videos. Fellow Lora ensures that everything looks top-notch, from the logos for New Arrivals and Benchtalk to the designs of our own merchandise and even our TFOA passport and shipping boxes. It's no wonder that her preference goes to guitars that visually stand out, like the Dion Model N0.4, which is completely adorned with a flower print on the inside.
In a musical office where her colleagues regularly try out guitars and fill the space with music, Lora feels completely at home. At least... if she's also sitting in the comfortable chairs of our lounge with a warm cup of hot chocolate, her day couldn't get any better!

Fellow Colin engages in writing. But not that dull, A.I.-generated writing about a P.A. system that resembles more of a patio theater than a speaker; Colin is into real writing.
This down-to-earth guy from Emmen knows how to keep it real but is armed with the vocabulary of a four-time award winner. Colin prefers to thoroughly investigate a guitar before providing a complete description. This starts with measuring the specifications but quickly evolves into scouring the depths of internet forums and obscure, extremely outdated websites.
Someone who digs so deep occasionally comes across extraordinary things, but fortunately, Colin is not one to hold back, and you can count on him to share his obscure findings with you. If you've ever wondered where we conjure up some of our information, ask Colin! That secret is one we haven't unraveled ourselves yet.
When the computer becomes too much, you can find Colin in the photo studio, where he does the groundwork for his own product advertisements: capturing the instrument. Outside of the meticulously set up lights, there should be no form of light in the studio, which is why Colin always drinks his coffee black.

"Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever." - Walt Disney
At The Fellowship, we love guitars, and that means we unpack, inspect, sniff, play, and photograph almost every guitar that arrives here. That's why Fellow Eva's Nikon D7500 clicks about 200 times a day. For each guitar, we select the 12 best photos. Yes, creating our own photography takes some effort, but this way, you can be sure that the guitar you see on the site is often the exact guitar we're selling.
Fellow Eva becomes utterly happy when artworks like a Fender Beauty or an exclusive Masterbuilt with a painting are in front of her 40mm lens. Full shots, back, details of the headstock and body, accessories: Fellow Eva examines the craftsmanship with a keen eye and captures it with much love for eternity.
Pro tip for everyone looking to photograph a guitar beautifully: pamper the instrument first with a little polishing. Especially with dark guitars, fingerprints and dust stand out more. When photographing guitars, pay attention to reflections, so shoot at a slight angle and remove distracting objects.

You may be thinking, “Wait a minute, isn't that the famous American rapper Yung Gravy?” But no, that's our own Social Media expert Thijmen, who is simply blessed with “one of those faces. That international flair suits him perfectly, as he has since created unforgettable memories from Indonesia to Los Angeles. However, one thing his fans have in common: no one knows how to pronounce his name correctly. Therefore, we unanimously decided to rename him 'Tichman'-easier, right?
As a proud Gen-Z'er, Thijmen is a great addition to our marketing team. He shakes things up and has shown us, for example, that TikTok is not just for dancing teenagers, but can also be a serious place for a company like TFOA. Thanks to him, we now create lighthearted, funnier content that suits us perfectly. His favorite guitar? A quirky appearance that is far different from the rest: a Godin Multiac Steel with the original electronics taken out. A statement instrument, just like him.
Although you won't soon run into Thijmen in the store, he is always the first point of contact on our social channels. Whether you have a question or leave a comment, he makes sure you always get an answer. But beware: if you leave unfounded criticism, Thijmen will “pillory” you in the cafeteria. You have been warned!

''Loud is more good.''
Knappe krullenbol Milo die komt en die gaat. Dan weer fulltime op sales, dan weer als exclusieve demo-artiest en inmiddels als vaste ondersteuning in ons video-team. Zo gaat het eigenlijk ook met zijn gitaren collectie, ze komen en ze gaan. Toch is er één constante, het moet allemaal net even anders zijn!
Een 335 is cool, maar dan toch liever een 330. Een mooie pre-CBS Fender? Doe maar een Jazzmaster. Voor Milo ook geen oude Martin Dreadnought, maar eerder een mooie Goya of Yamaha. Ook in zijn muziek zul je dit verschijnsel terughoren. Een gewone G? Niks ervan. Doe maar een G-majeur-zeven-kruis-elf-mol-dertien. Een mooi metafoor voor Milo’s bestaan, eigenlijk net als zijn lievelingsdrankje Rivella: 'Een beetje vreemd, maar wel lekker’.

‘If you want to be a good player, you have to be a great listener.’
Fellow Mike drinks his coffee without milk and sugar, but he likes it lightly roasted and single origin. Furthermore, he likes to listen to Steely Dan loudly and very often and that also says a lot about this man. That wonderful, virtuoso mix of jazz and rock with a hint of irony may be something for connoisseurs here, but in the US Steely Dan is again - or actually still - huge!
Here it is just a matter of time and Trendsetter Mike is way ahead of that time by looking at music history with a smart, sharp eye. That's how he also looks at guitars, ensuring that our range is always top-notch. And that look also came in handy when thinking about our logistics, which means we always have more than 800 guitars in stock and they arrive quickly on your doorstep if you order one.

Our Fellows always start their day together around the coffee machine until Coen or Laura gives the go-ahead to get started. With a cup of coffee, Fellow Monique also takes a seat behind her desk in the Administration & HR office.
She soon discovered that no day is the same at the Dedemsvaartse GitaarVilla, and fortunately this woman absolutely holds her own when she suddenly has to put on the 'HR cap' after a morning of invoicing. Monique certainly strikes the right chord with us!
The magic of Villa, where music sounds from the rooms every day, also has an effect on Fellow Monique. In fact, it inspires so much that her old lesson guitar can finally hope for that long-awaited fresh set of strings!
Until then, she prefers to enjoy her '70s and '80s playlist. U2 in particular takes her back to those good old days; you know, when bands of that caliber still played in places like the Dutch town Hattem.

Fellow Ronald can do fine without a guitar, but without a laptop he sometimes feels a bit lonely. Because as a Finance Manager he can use that tool to keep things in balance.
Fellow Ronald finds this a wonderful challenge, because more than just a company, The Fellowship is a place for and of guitar enthusiasts. These are creative people who do most of their work based on feeling, while in the books at the end of the month everything has to be correct. Thanks to Fellow Ronald, luckily it always works.

As a multifunctional jack-of-all-trades, Fellow Lars has quickly become an indispensable link within The Fellowship of Acoustics. After his internship in administration, he effortlessly transferred to the expedition to ensure that all new guitars are registered with the correct serial number, and he can also be found regularly in the store to assist the Sales team when necessary.
When Lars is working on the computer, he puts on his headphones for Guitarmannen, the podcast, or some nice music from U2 or Chris Stapleton. As a true guitar enthusiast, his thoughts occasionally wander to that one special dream guitar, an Atkin D37!
To recover from the hard work, Lars likes to take a break on the balcony of the villa, when the weather permits, and regularly forms a musical tandem with 'the other' Lars. In addition to the busy working days at The Fellowship, Lars also has time for studies, so learning is certainly in his blood.
Yes, Lars will definitely get there. And that beautiful Atkin probably too!

For this occasion, Simon above poses as we don't often see... with a guitar in his hands. A guitar is not his 'weapon of choice'. But give it a keyboard and this computer code commander will go crazy for a fun game of programming!
His favorite place in the GitaarVilla is of course the server room, because there are now a lot of Terrabytes blinking and whirring to ensure that the website, cash register systems and all computers run smoothly.
As in every company, there are always colleagues for this IT person who ask if he can 'spare a moment' to help with a computer, a keyboard, a printer, an internet connection, a password and a few hundred other things. Of course that is possible and that is why this Fellow usually drinks his coffee black… and cold.

The Fellowship of Acoustics is not only a Guitar Villa with a showroom of more than 2,400 m3, there is also a theater, music school, restaurant, terrace, office and shipping department.
Such a gigantic building could of course use a lick of paint or something squeaks or creaks somewhere and that is what Fellow Jasper is for. That is the ideal son-in-law who, with a well-stocked toolbox and his two right hands, can fix just about anything he sees. Some new racks in the pantry? No problem? New layout at the checkout for our merchandise? Fellow Jasper simply starts the job with some Dutch music as a work vitamin plus occasionally some Metallica as a musical Cup-a-soup and a little later the job is done. He doesn't play the guitar, but Fellow Jasper still regularly manages to enchant us with his golden hands.
Om succesvol te zijn, moet je inhoud nuttig zijn voor je lezers.