There are roughly two ways to attach a guitar neck to the body:
1: You can slide it into the body with a dovetail. The connection is then 'wood on wood'.

2: You can tighten the neck to the body with one or more screws (bolt on). That's how you get 'wood on wood + metal'
The question which one is better has been a source for heated debates for years, the results of which we saw best summarized on an internet forum with words like:
45 percent of guitar players prefer a dovetail
45 percent prefer bolt on
... and 10 percent prefer to eat apple pie
In short: one technique is not necessarily better or worse than the other, it has much more to do with personal preferences. And resources. That's why we list the most important differences.
Martin is by far the most famous guitar maker who swears by ‘dovetail neck joints’ because they claim to make an acoustic guitar sound better. Are you looking for a traditional sound with a bit more bass, a bark and a bite? Nice and dark and earthy? According to some, you can only get that with a dovetail joint between the wood of the neck and the sound box.
Just look at this Martin video:
Other top builders such as Santa Cruz and Larrivee also swear by using the dove tail.
But why a dovetail is supposed to sound better, is not exactly clear. Some attribute it to the fact that more wood from the neck comes into direct and glued contact with the wood of the body. That would, in theory, create different and/or more resonance. But this can also be the case, because more or a certain type of glue is used.
There are also disadvantages to a dovetail. In the long run, a guitar neck can start to work in relation to the body, resulting in a less than ideal angle. Your guitar will become less playable and the intonation deteriorates. That can be solved with a neck reset, but that's a tricky job with a glued on neck. For a professional guitar builder this should not be a problem, but it takes some time. Also making a guitar with dovetail connection is somewhat more labor intensive and therefore often more expensive.
Martin did come up with an alternative called a simple dovetail. It is not made by hand, but computer-controlled and machine-driven, so this dovetail technique and the accompanying sound can now also be found in their affordable 15 and performing artist series.
Bolt on
Electric guitars have been made with bolt-on necks for decades. They’re sturdy, cheap, and easy to do when the neck needs a little push. That’s why Taylor started making bolt-on acoustic guitars in the 70s. And many others followed suit. Lakewood and Furch, for example, use bolt-on necks and they sound fantastic.
These are more modern sounding guitars than a classic Martin. Is that because of the way the neck is attached? Maybe, but that is not entirely certain. Collings and Atkin for example, make fantastic and traditional sounding guitars with… a bolt on neck. According to them, for more stability and more control over the quality of an instrument. A neck reset, should it ever be necessary, is a lot easier.
So you can choose a very traditional sounding guitar with a bolt on neck. The other way around is also possible, take Lowden. Guitars from Ireland, with a unique European sound, completely different from Martin, tends more towards modern than traditional. Made with… a dove tail.
So don't just look at how a guitar is technically put together, that's really just part of the story and seems to be more important to the builders and the manufacturing process. Wood types, wood selection, dimensions and the hand of the builder all leave a mark on the sound of any acoustic guitar.
That's why you have to play and listen as much as possible and you'll discover what's best : bolt on or dovetail. If you hear any difference, because maybe you'd just rather eat apple pie. Pie is not always available in our store in Dedemsvaart, but coffee is…and lots and lots of guitars.
Don't hesitate to come by. We're open!!