Stringjoy Signatures 6S Balanced Medium 11-50

€ 13,18 13.18 EUR € 13,18

€ 15,95

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(= € 13,18 Zzgl. Steuern)

11s are the perfect middle ground, enough tension to get a nice meaty tone out of your guitar, but not so much that you can’t bend at all. Well, Stringjoy's Balanced 11s are just the thing for you then.

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Stringjoy Signatures 6S Balanced Medium 11-50

11's zijn de perfecte middenweg, genoeg spanning om een mooie volle toon uit je gitaar te krijgen, maar niet zo veel dat je helemaal niet kunt benden. Dan zijn Stringjoy's Balanced 11's precies wat je zoekt.

De grootste aanpassing die ze aan deze gauges maken, is om voor een iets zwaardere 6e snaar (a .050) te gaan om de hele set beter in balans te brengen; waardoor je genoeg volheid in het laag hebt om het hoog van de .011-.014-.018p aan te vullen.

Over het algemeen is dit een krachtige maar zeer flexibele set die geweldig werkt voor alles, van post-rock tot 'worship & praise'.

11s are the perfect middle ground, enough tension to get a nice meaty tone out of your guitar, but not so much that you can’t bend at all. Well, Stringjoy's Balanced 11s are just the thing for you then.

The biggest tweak they make on these gauges is to go for a slightly heavier 6th string (a .050) to balance the whole set out better; giving you enough fullness on the bottom to complement the .011-.014-.018p top end.

Overall, this is a powerful but very flexible set that works great for everything from post-rock to praise & worship.

11s are the perfect middle ground, enough tension to get a nice meaty tone out of your guitar, but not so much that you can’t bend at all. Well, Stringjoy's Balanced 11s are just the thing for you then.

The biggest tweak they make on these gauges is to go for a slightly heavier 6th string (a .050) to balance the whole set out better; giving you enough fullness on the bottom to complement the .011-.014-.018p top end.

Overall, this is a powerful but very flexible set that works great for everything from post-rock to praise & worship.


Marke Stringjoy

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